Protection from E-mail Viruses (CAP macro virus)

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am working in a legal firm. It happened one time that there is this specific word document that was sent to all of us and unfortunately, it was infected by what they call 'CAP macro virus'. What are these CAP macro virus? and how do we deal with them?

Answered By 5 points N/A #128576

Protection from E-mail Viruses (CAP macro virus)


Hi there,

Macro virus is a dangerous virus of them all. Protection from macro virus is very difficult. It is more difficult at the time of Email viruses. Not all antivirus software can detect this virus. It is spade through Email, modem, disk, Email attachments etc. so it is also difficult to stop spreading from computer to computer.

To prevent this you need a strong security from viruses in internet.  There are online virus scan options for many email website but not for all. So you need to use any high level and updated internet security for this. I recommend kaspersky internet security for this reason.

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