Hi friends,
I am having some trouble with a few domains that I want to delete as my client no longer needs the hosting services.
The problem is that I cannot delete them. When I try to delete the domains, I get an error.
The screenshot of the error is attached below:
The message states:
Unable to remove domains: Problems occurred while removing domains: Unable to remove hosting: Unable to init LogRotation object: LogRotation: unable to select: no such row in the table
Anyone has any idea what to do? I simply have no idea how can this issue be solved.
Problem when trying to remove domains
Hi Jessica,
In some reason, do you happen to deactivate the domain deleting? In order to remove or delete a domain, it should be activated. You can’t delete a inactive domain in case that it is not accessible. First, activate the domain by going to the Administration page of the domain and select enable. Once you change the status of your domain, an update message will appear. Then click ok. Finally, you can delete the domain.
Hope it’ll help.
Problem when trying to remove domains
It is possible taht your Windows server got an virus that is preventing you from deleting domains. To be sure scan it.
For the domain do the following:
1) Go to registry and remove the following key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> PLESK -> PSA Config-> Config ->SitesCache
2) Open CMD nad type in cd %plesk_bin%
websrvmng.exe –remove-vhost –vhost-name=Domainname
3) Install the domain through the command line
websrvmng.exe –install-vhost –vhost-name=Domainname
4) Now go to control panel and delete the domain.
Queen Norman