I have been using VLC for ages now, but all of a sudden it stopped working. I uninstalled the software then went to the website to download a new one. I got the error notification saying : Â
VLC media player 0.9.4 Setup
Extract : error writing to the file
What seems to be the problem? I’m confused why I cannot used VLC now. Please help me fixed this problem. I attached the image box for your reference.
Problem using the VLC software.
You must have not properly uninstalled the VLC maybe there are hidden files left that’s why you are facing a problem in installing the VLC, you must clean the VLV file thoroughly before installing the VLC again. Try to check the task manager for cleaning and check if there are tasks left in there, if you do not know how to find it try the short cut key ctrl alt delete, it will pop up. See the process tab click it and check it there is a VLC running. This is to prevent to again pop up the said problem in installing.  Then after you finished then try to install the VLC if it still persists do the same and restart computer I think it will be installed after this process.Â