Problem playing game in Nvidia 8000 graphics card

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

I use Nvidia 8000 series graphics card. I am now being turned to game lover and want to pass my idle time playing games. The problem I faced is performance is not good. I am using Linux OS. Is there a problem with drivers? Please suggest me.

Best Answer by Jolene B Just
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 40 points N/A #182572

Problem playing game in Nvidia 8000 graphics card



Nvidia 800 series graphic card done a great job while turn into gaming, However performance and functionality is depend upon the Operating System and system configuration. Since You haven't mentioned the specific problem or your system configuration, Hence its hard to give the appropriate answer. Now I'm sending you a link from where can get whole lot more information about 800 series



Answered By 0 points N/A #182574

Problem playing game in Nvidia 8000 graphics card


It really depends on the system requirements your game has, especially if the graphics or video card is outdated with the one required with the game you are using. I you are using a new game which requires a new version of graphics card, I would suggest you buy one.

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