Power Outage on Handheld Device

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Is it possible to have a power outage on any handheld devices? I am using mine when all of a sudden, the screen went blank with error, “Battery too low for handheld usage”.  And now, I can’t open the device after it shut itself off. It just stops from working.  How can I fix it to be able to use it again? Do I need to change the battery?

Answered By 75 points N/A #94208

Power Outage on Handheld Device


Hi Daniel,

Power outage is possible in this case, especially if you have been using your mobile phone for quite a long time. All rechargeable batteries have a lifespan in which they can be used after which it is required to you replace or get a new one. The lifespan reduces as the days go by. For instance, if you buy a phone and its battery takes like 5 five days before it goes flat when it is still brand new, the case will not be the same after say 2 years. The battery life will have reduced to say 3 days before it goes totally flat.

It will continue that way till you find that the battery cannot store any charge at all.


Lee Hung

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