Power Manager Error on Windows 7

Hello Hanna, The problem that you have submitted in this site is windows administrator problem, nothing else. Please do the following as I say. Open run command in start menu. Please run it as an administrator by right clicking on the run icon and select Run as administrator. Type powercfg list there and press enter.
Please follow this powercfg –export balanced.xml 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e and enter.
Now delete the pevious Power plan by typing this and press enter powercfg –delete 381b4222-f694-41f0-9685-ff5bb260df2e Now type this powercfg –import c:balanced.xml and again press enter. Now go to the power option and create your new power settings.
I hope you can do this alone.
Thank you
You will need to use the following workaround to fix that problem in windows 7:
Clair Charles
This looks like a limitation imposed on your user account. Is this a company computer?
If it is, you may have limited privileges on the computer which is preventing you from accessing that setting. You may ask for assistance from your IT department and request for additional access rights to the computer’s settings.
If this is not a company computer though and this is your own machine, make sure your user account is an administrator’s account with full privileges to the system. If it already is and you’re still having problems, run a security scan in your machine, your computer may be infected.