Part file of a movie accidentally converted

Asked By 7060 points N/A Posted on -

I have downloaded a movie as 3 parts. The 3 part file were such that a.mkv.001, a.mkv.002, a.mkv.003. I accidentally renamed those file and as a result file formats changed. Now I can not merge this file with any video converter. Converter always finds no video file in it. So can anyone suggest anyone solution?
Thanks in advance.

Answered By 0 points N/A #195249

Part file of a movie accidentally converted



This is easy to resolve. You really don’t need video converters since they won’t detect the videos you accidentally renamed. This is due to the new name that you accidentally typed. Perhaps the movie extension you typed doesn’t exist. All you need to do is to right click on the video file and rename it. Just copy the name of the others that wasn’t changed. If the original file extension is .mkv, rename the changed file to .mkv. It really doesn’t matter what name you use as long as the file extension is correct. For example the changed filename is aoifjn.kaf. Rename it to part1.mkv. The .mkv part is the important one since it is the file extension or file format.


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