Oracle ADF Jbo 25058 Exception Explained

We have been using Oracle at our firm for a long time now. After running applications developed in Oracle ADF in JDeveloper, we are getting a jbo 25058 exception. Can you explain how to solve this issue?

We have been using Oracle at our firm for a long time now. After running applications developed in Oracle ADF in JDeveloper, we are getting a jbo 25058 exception. Can you explain how to solve this issue?
Generally, these exceptions are thrown after running the applications. If the project files are of the extension .jpx and are moved to another package the jbo files should also be moved accordingly, but this does not happen automatically.
To solve this, you need to check the configuration file. Also, try and move the jbo file to the correct package.
This is a very common error and can mostly be resolved by following the instructions available in the documentation and on the website. The basic problem here is that people do not know that they have to move the jbo file to the correct directory.