Form Attribute Code using HTML 5.0

There is a new " height and width " form Attribute in HTML 5.0 version. Can anybody please give me that code and an example?

There is a new " height and width " form Attribute in HTML 5.0 version. Can anybody please give me that code and an example?
Yes you can use that code as like the example given below .
<form action =" demo_form.php"
User name : < input type ="text"
name= " user_name"/><br/>
<input type =" image " sre = " img_submit.gif"
width ="24" height = "24" />
Here are the HTML height and width attributes you will need:
“identifiername”.width = 300;
identifiername.height = 200;
To clear the variable, you must do the following:
ctx.clearRect( 0, 0, ctx. identifiername.width, ctx. identifiername.height);
style.height and style.width are respective CSS attributes. = '300px'; = '200px';
I hope this helps.