A network error occurred when installing ROBOTC

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi All

I am trying to install ROBOTC for Mindstorms and am greeted with the following message during the install process. This happens every time I try to install ROBOTC.I tried closing all other programs before downloading. And I also tried temporarily disabling the antivirus during the download. But while the download completes without a glitch always, I never seem to be able to complete the installation. What could be wrong with the installer? Can somebody suggest a fix to resolve this problem please? I am eagerly awaiting your solutions. Thanks in advance.

Error 1316. A network error occurred while attempting

to read from the file



E03}ROBOTC Virtual Worlds – VEX.msi

Answered By 15 points N/A #178271

A network error occurred when installing ROBOTC


Hi Hubert,
There are multiple solutions to resolve this error.
Solution 1:
1) Click 'Start', Go to 'Control Panel'
2) Select 'User Accounts', Turn Off the User Control Account
3) Uncheck the User Account Control Option, click 'OK'
4) Restart the system again after the settings are changed

Solution 2:
1) Download the Windows Installer utility from the Softpedia official website
2) Click 'Start', select 'All Programs'
3) Click 'Windows Installer Clean up' and open the utility in the system
4) Select the program form the system that is generating errors
5) Click 'Remove' and uninstall the program from the system
6) Reinstall the program and it will remove the errors occurring in the system

Answered By 590495 points N/A #178272

A network error occurred when installing ROBOTC


The error that caught during the installation seems to be related to a network problem. Since you already downloaded the file several times making sure that the download is successful, don’t disconnect from the internet before you begin the installation. I think the file “ROBOTC Virtual Worlds – VEX.msi” that the error is referring to requires a network connection probably to connect to a remote server.

If this is the case, make sure you are connected to the internet before initiating the installation. To install the latest ROBOTC, download from ROBOTC for MINDSTORMS. Currently, the latest version is ROBOTC 3.65. Note that ROBOTC 3.0 requires a ROBOTC 3.0 license. If your license is ROBOTC 2.0 or maybe older, download ROBOTC 2.0 instead from the Optional Downloads section below the page.

The last FTC-compatible version for ROBOTC is version 2.26.1. ROBOTC 2.0.2 is the last official release for ROBOTC 2.x versions which includes support for both NXT and RCX. ROBOTC supports Windows XP Service Pack 2 or higher, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8.

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