I got NetCam. Recently I reinstalled OS and update it to Windows XP SP2. On this reinstalled system I need to install NetCam center, and Installation was successful. Error message appears when I wanted to connect to the Internet.
Can some one help me with this issue?
Thank you
Can’t bind port 80!
Please make sure there is no application or instance of NetCamCenter uses this port.
Or assign another port number for NetCamCenter.
NetCam Center Can’t bind port 80
After installing it's driver:
Double click on NetCamCenter icon on the desktop to start NetCamCenter. To add a camera or video server, select an
empty slot from the camera list and click on Open button on CamCenter. You will see the Setup camera dialog box, which
allows you to add a device.
n Select a camera maker
n Select a camera model
n Enter the IP address or domain name, such as cam1.webcam123.com.
n Enter the port number of your camera. (Please refer to the user manual of your
n If you are connecting to a video server, you can enter the channel number in the
Channel field. You can also enter 1 or 2 to select the stream for Vivotek device.
n Enter the username and password if it is needed.
For the NetCamCenter (Can’t bind port 80) issue just follow the steps below.
Please follow this simple step carefully:
1.   Click Setup, and then change the HTTP Server's port number in the Server tab.
       For example, enter 90 or 8000. 80 is the default port for web server.
2.    If you use other port, you need to add the number in your web address.
       For example, if you enter 90 in the Port field, your web address will be http://your-IP-address:90
Hope that will help..