Mozilla firefox browser showing green screen for youtube videos

Asked By 130 points N/A Posted on -

I often use Mozilla firefox as my browser in my computer and it worked perfectly fine until today that when I go to It only shows a green page for the video and the sound will still be running. It seems that it was blocked because I downloaded google chrome and youtube works perfectly on it. I don’t know what to do with Mozilla and I checked that it is the updated version. What do I need to do?

Answered By 5 points N/A #185306

Mozilla firefox browser showing green screen for youtube videos



Adobe Flash Player makes such issue when hardware acceleration is activated. You’ll have to turn it off.

1. Go to this Flash Player Help page.

2. Scroll down unless you see the tree animation.

3. Right-click on it >> select “Settings”.

4. Select “Display” tab from the bottom ribbon of “Settings” box.

5. Uncheck “Enable hardware acceleration”.

6. Close the box.

7. Restart your browser.

Now, it should work fine with all the videos.

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