Microsoft exchange temporary mailbox issue

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have just installed Microsoft exchange to use it as my central mail exchange point. Installation has done successfully, but whenever I want to connect with the mail exchange server, I have encountered a problem and got an error message:

Microsoft Exchange

Your mailbox has been temporarily moved on Microsoft Exchange server. A temporary mailbox exists, but might not have all of your previous data.

You can connect to the temporary mailbox or work offline with all of your old data. If you choose to work with your old data, you cannot send or receive e-mail messages.

Can anyone please help me by providing solution of this problem?

Answered By 0 points N/A #123310

Microsoft exchange temporary mailbox issue


Hi dear,

This is a simple way to get rid of that error message.

I assume you are using Windows XP. Here's how to remove the use temporary mailbox error message.

First, go to Control Panel.

Then go to Mail> Profile> Show your Profiles.

Just highlight your Exchange Server profile and remove it.

Before going to this next step, your hidden files must be shown up. To do this, you must go first to the folder options in your ctrl panel and click the option that will unhide your files and folders.

Open the Windows Explorer. Go to the directory where the application data is located.

Delete the .ost file in that folder.

That's it.


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