Microsoft exchange- server is not operational error

I'm using this command: new-dynamic distribution group -name entire test –organizational unit usd. local –recipient filter { ((recipient type –e.g. 'user mailbox, mail contact, mail user') -and (customattribute2 -ne 'n'))}.  When I use this command,.it goes through fine. But when I look at it in the exchange management console it says;

Microsoft Exchange
An Active Directroy error 0x8007203A occurred while searching for domain controllers in domain nordell local
The server is not operational.
Name: "nordelllocal"
It was running command 'get recipient -ResultSize "1000". SortBy "DisplayName" RecipientType "UseMailbox".
E. g. If I just put user mailbox then it works fine, but I don't want just mailbox users. I want to access the mail via the server. I am not familiar with the resulting errors. I need assistance. Please, any help will be appreciated!
Thank you.