Message detection capability of an ISP

Can an ISP (Internet Service Provider) detect and read every message sent by a person who is using their service at his/her premises?

Can an ISP (Internet Service Provider) detect and read every message sent by a person who is using their service at his/her premises?
Can ISPs read all your email messages? Can ISPs detect you while using the internet? Can ISPs know your internet habits? Can ISPs know where you live?
Of course, they do! All information about you are all stored and kept by your ISP. They know your home address so they could get the internet connection to your premises. Before you can get an internet service you need first to have an application in an ISP (Internet Service Provider).
If they approved your application, they will do next the installation, the cable connections to get the internet connection reach your home. And if somebody wants to locate you by your IP address, they need to arrange first a court order and take law enforcement to get your ISP to reveal your physical location.
Your ISP controls the equipments where your internet data flows once it leaves your location. You connect to your ISP, and it’s your ISP who then routes your connection to where it supposed to be going elsewhere in the internet.
And about your email messages, your Internet Service Provider has the total control over your internet connection. Why would they sneak on your personal messages if most of the ISPs are already overworked?
Why would they waste their time checking on gigabytes of data just to see your internet habits? Think about it. You’re not the only one who is connected to your ISP.