Manual directory pr2 , 3, 4

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I'm wondering what's manual directory pr2, 3, 4 means.

Thanks in advance 

Answered By 0 points N/A #157770

Manual directory pr2 , 3, 4


I think its best to answer your question by breaking it down into several parts, for better understanding and to clarify those with similar questions. Moreover my answer will be in general on SEO (search engine optimization) and in specific on Manual Directory submission.

Answer part one,

Directory submission

While it is necessary to keep in mind that the purpose of directory submission is for SEO(Search Engine Optimization) in other to rank high within search engines, we should also know there exist two types of website submission to a directory.

The first is automatic directory submission

This comprises of the use of software’s to add your web link to a directory. It entails getting one of the optimization software on the internet or purchasing a package, installing on your computer and loading in all required information, and clicking submit directory and the submission process go on automatically. You can check at the end for confirmations. Statistics show this isn’t the best method of doing optimization. For information on possible BEST optimization software’s you can ask your questions directly on this site and I will reply.

The second method is manual directory submission

Often non as the best method for directory submission and SEO, it entails manual submission to each directory and within a predefined category taking other things into consideration. Its flaw is that it is often slow as you will need to submit to one directory after the other, filling in the required information for each separate directory.

Directories are often classified within page ranks, it ranks from 0 to even 10, a directory rank 5 is better for submission than that which is ranked 3 as traffic  rate increase for a 5ranked than for a 3ranked directory. The ranking is often done by search engines; they vary within each search engine and often fluctuate with time and giving their recognition by each search engine. For list of directories and their page rank you could also ask a question on that, as it varies from time to time. But the best three directories for submission include,

  • DMOZ
  • Google Directory
  • Yahoo Directory

What is a web directory?

A web directory is a database of different websites, it entails submitting your website to a specific directory under a specific category or sub category that matches your website it might be consumer electronics, shopping, computers, telecom etc.. It helps with promoting your site and making it well non to persons and in search engine optimization.

What is a manual web directory?

Once your link is submitted to a directory it is automatically accepted within that directory by automatically preprogram functions within the directory site to carry on that task. It is also possible that your link submitted is reviewed by either a human or person, usually to check whether you choose the right category or possibly the authentic nature of your site submitted or matching your description. The later is what is non as a manual web directory often denoted (human edited directory).

What is submitted is the URL or your optimized website address to the directory and other relevant information such as description of your web page, category, keywords, page title, reciprocal link if necessary, and your email address for a confirmation mail if necessary, to name a few..

My next post or answer part two related to this question will be on how to perform efficient and best accepted search engine manual directory optimization.

Feel free to ask  another question for more clarification.

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