How do I activate GPRS settings on my China phone? Only the WIFI is functioning on my phone. I can only read emails and search but cannot browse and make a research.

How do I activate GPRS settings on my China phone? Only the WIFI is functioning on my phone. I can only read emails and search but cannot browse and make a research.
To activate GPRS on your cell phone, it should support GPRS and your SIM must be GPRS enabled. Now you have to go through these following instructions:
Select done, save and then activate your profile. Your GPRS will be enabled and you can browse and research.
There, two precautions you should take especially if your Chinese phone is of dual-sim. First make sure that the sim card you wish to use for data access is the one you set the GPRS settings for. Second, ensure that there is enough free internal memory.
Go to services
Select data account
Then options and add a PS account.
You will have to contact your mobile provider to provide you with the VPN address and the IP address. Set them and then save. Make sure the profile you have created is set as the default profile. After that you can start to surf the net.
Good luck.
For you to be able to use china mobile GPRS to send and received emails, you may need SMTP2GO worldwide SMTP server. Please, if I may ask, what type of cell phone are you using? If it is not GSM system cell phone, that might be the case because it is only GSM cell phone system that can access GPRS. But sometimes, GPRS can be accessed automatically be some mobile network operators while some will require an opt in. Note that if your cell phone does not allow automatic access, you may use your cell phone to set up your GPRS connection.