List The Options For Connecting To The Internet And Its Uses

Hello, list the options for connecting to the internet also notify the uses for the same as well as a better reference also. Thanks for solving the same.

Hello, list the options for connecting to the internet also notify the uses for the same as well as a better reference also. Thanks for solving the same.
Hello, the options for connecting to the internet is a lot more in today’s world and can be set manually as well. Also the wireless networks can also be created and can be connected to one device to other. Examples for the same can be the analog dial up services, ISDN , B-ISDN and more other present in the market as of now. Below shows the uses for the same:
• It is used in Multilink dial-up
• Leased lines
• Cable rings
• ATM machines etc.
• Fiber to home connectivity and many more.