How to I change (Increase) the speed of my LinkSys smart wi fi EA 6900 dual router? My LinkSys smart wi fi EA 6900 dual router has a max speed of 600 + 1300Mbps, the speed that I enjoy with the LinkSys router is far below this range. Whenever I check the speed on the system, it is around 300Mbps or sometimes 350Mbps. What could be wrong with the router?
LinkSys router speed to low.
Enter in your Linksys setup page and configure your wireless to 5 GHZ band to improve your speed.
Another factor you have to pay attention is with something may causing you some trouble and decreasing your signal degradation like walls, fixtures, furniture and metal appliances between your computer and router.
You has to consider range between your router and your computer or any other device because the farther your client is your worst sign and it decrease your speed connection
Anthony John
LinkSys router speed to low.
Hi Raymond!
Linksys Smart Wi-Fi Router, EA6900 can indeed achieve the maximum speed of 1300 Mbps. Access your Router account and open the homepage, where you can set up all the proper settings an you can including speed test, depending on the ongoing change of settings you wish to save. Here are the instructions:
This smart router can create 3 simultaneous networks, who are still separate:
   The 2.4 GHz Network is for devices in your network that are 802.11n (N-only) and 802.11g (G-only) or a combination of both within Mixed mode. Wireless network settings obtain the Mixed mode which is compatible with Wireless G/B/N devices. The maximum speed that your devices can achieve this way is up to 600 Mbps.
   The 5 GHz Network will just support the devices in your network that are Mixed, N – only, and AC – only. The Mixed mode will still be compatible with 802.11 a devices. Now here is what you are interested in: —-> Connecting a device with an 802.11 ac WiFi adapter on the 5 GHz network that is set to AC-only will provide you to achieve the desired 1300 Mbps speed. Meanwhile, if you set your network to AC-only, then all other Wireless N/G/B devices will not be able to connect.
   The Guest Access is an extra feature that will allow visitors at your home to access the Internet but not your local network (shared storage, printer etc.)