Linked Account and Double Contact Account

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How should I know if a linked account has included a cycle in it and, at what node does the cycle starts? And how will you switch the double contact account? Can anyone help?

Answered By 10 points N/A #95369

Linked Account and Double Contact Account


I guess some of the things that will help you identify if a linked account has included a cycle in it will include the following:

  1. First it will be the transaction that the account is being use to carry. You will need to identify the transaction or any other event that you can easily recognize.
  2. Next the source document of the transaction that  is being carried out in the account will also  help you identify in the linked account has a cycle, and it may be something like an invoice or a purchase order.
  3. You will also need to analyze and classify the transaction to be able to depict the type of account that it is using, and also find out if the account has a cycle

-Thompson Locker


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