Installing Computer Simulation Technology(CST) 2010-64 bit

I am facing some problems installing CST-2010 64-bit version on my pc. Can anyone help me out by giving the detailed installation process of this software?

I am facing some problems installing CST-2010 64-bit version on my pc. Can anyone help me out by giving the detailed installation process of this software?
I managed to Fix CST 2010 SP1 and SP3 using the same fix. I've also involved my customized license file which works on ANY computer regardless of the name and the network adapter's MAC address. This makes it the easiest fix you all have found so far, because you ONLY have to replace the license file with the original one, rather than editing it and replacing it.. So you won't bother yourselves to edit and manipulate any more
All the solvers are enabled, it works on all systems so far, including 32 and 64 bit Windows (since many asked this question).
1. – Install the program, using custom install. It is necessary to install "License Server", but do not install "Dongle Drivers".
2. – Install Service Pack 1. (Seeder's Note: I couldn't get this step to work, but it still runs OK as SP0.)
3 .- Run license manager and stop the service. Otherwise the License Server will not be patched.
4. – Run "Main Controller Administration" and start and then stop the server.
Otherwise the Controller Server will not be patched. (Linux only?)
5. – Copy "license.dat" into "C:Program filesCST STUDIO SUITE 2010" or equivalent.
6. – Edit "license.dat" and replace "server_name" with your computer name and
"000000000000" (replace all) with your HOSTID (Mac or Physical Address).
7. – Copy " 2010SP1-patch.exe" into "C:Program Files
CST STUDIO SUITE 2010" or equivalent and run it from this directory.
8. – Run license manager and start the service.
9. – Run CST and choose "C:Program filesCST STUDIO SUITE 2010license.dat" as license file