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Posted on - 01/25/2012
In Windows 2008 R2 server bi-proc 64 bits sp1 french and installing agent 6.2 gives a message `with installation package – no corresponding with processor’. Advice whether it’s sp1 in cause?
With installation package – no corresponding with processor
Not fully related with your sp1. It also depends on other issues like inconsistency in the Windows and any program such as antivirus or antispyware you are using is continuously creating problem. Again find whether your processor is compatible with this version of windows or not. If not then you must have to change your processor even your motherboard. But if it is not like that then you can just follow these three steps to gain success:
Hope your problem is solved by the process.
With installation package – no corresponding with processor
It seems you have an incompatible hardware if you are installing Windows Server 2008 R2 when you get this message. Windows Server 2008 R2 is designed to run on 64-bit processors and because part of your error message reads “no corresponding with processor”, it means you are not using a compatible 64-bit processor. In other words, you are using 32-bit processor.
If this is the case, there is no solution but to upgrade your system to 64-bit. Upgrading to 64-bit doesn’t only require you to replace the processor and make it 64-bit. You need to replace both your motherboard and processor with a new one that supports 64-bit. There are many advantages of shifting to 64-bit. 64-bit operating systems are much faster than 32-bit versions.
64-bit OS is capable of supporting up to 17 billion GB of RAM while with 32-bit, it can only support up to 3.25 GB of RAM and if you have more the rest is wasted.