Install an Application (.rpm files) in Fedora 16 using Terminal

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

I just installed Fedora 16 and I don't like how their application installer works.

Is there a way for me to install an application in Fedora 16 (preferably .rpm) using the Terminal?

What is the syntax for it?

Answered By 45 points N/A #107314

Install an Application (.rpm files) in Fedora 16 using Terminal


Hello Alfred.

To install an RPM package, you can always use the most basic syntax which is:

rpm -i package-1.2.3-4.i386.rpm

where: "rpm" is the rpm executable and "-i" is the command line switch that tells rpm that you want to install the rpm package.

Alternatively, you can use this syntax: 

rpm -ivh package-1.2.3-4.i386.rpm

where: "-ivh" means you want to install and you want to see what rpm is currently doing (or verbose).

To upgrade and already installed package, use this syntax:

rpm -Uvh package-1.2.3-5.i386.rpm

Take note that everything in Linux is case-sensitive so do not forget to capitalize the "U" switch.

Finally, to uninstall or remove something that was previously installed using rpm, use this syntax

rpm -e package-1.2.3-4

Note that there is no need to include the full file name and the .rpm extension.

Hope this helps!

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