Install 2 os in the same computer

Installing Linux (Ubuntu) Operating System on a Windows PC:
For a complete step-by-step procedure like how to launch or create a new Virtual Machine, you may go through
With virtual machine you can install not only two operating systems but multiple operating systems as long as your hardware can handle it. Installing multiple operating systems on one computer requires high hardware specifications because your system should be able to handle and manage different platforms at the same time.
Installing two operating systems on the computer with the same brand but different versions like Windows Millennium, Windows XP, or Windows Vista is easy. But since you want to install another operating system of a different brand like what you asked, Windows 7 and Linux, you will really need to use virtual machine to make it possible. The first thing to do is to install virtual machine. You can download free virtual machine from SourceForge | Solution Centers | Virtual Machines. Before downloading it, be sure to check if it is compatible with your present operating system. After installing it, find your way into the menus to install the second operating system.
Before installing the other operating system, make sure your computer’s hardware specification is still compatible to run the other operating system. Because whenever you want to use the programs installed on the second operating system, you need to run both operating systems at the same time. So basically, if you have Windows 7 as your primary platform [this is the operating system that boots the computer] and Linux Ubuntu as the secondary platform [the one you installed under virtual machine], each time you want to use Ubuntu you need to run the virtual machine then start Ubuntu from there. So now here in this example, you are running Windows 7 with Linux Ubuntu on virtual machine.
Excellent post guys, which introduced me to some of the great features about installing two operating systems in the same computer, which I’m now getting to grips with. Not bad all of your comments but Sharath, my heart swells with expectations when I saw your approaching comment. It is very informative and you provide a step-by-step process in a simple way to make the viewers understand easily. I think yours was precious treasure and dutiful to me for your detail explanation which I have not seen others comments. Going throughout your comment, I have learned, With a Virtual machine installing and downloading, I can install two operating systems in Windows 7, and Linux, before I need to check, it is compatible or not with my present operating system. As well, your other advices were very precious and helpful, this advice helped me to increase my experience more about it. Thanks once more Sharath.