Hi there,
This is the error that showed up after I closed up Lotus Notes. I don’t know if I should be worried but I would like to prevent. I don’t know what caused this because I didn’t make any changes in the program or the system. Does anyone have any idea about this error ? Should I be worried ?
Thank you !
JVM terminated. Exit code=160
IMB Lotus Notes error appeared while trying to open the program
If this error appeared right after you close Lotus Notes, try starting Lotus Notes again and then close the application. Check if a similar error will pop up on your screen. If the error is just a glitch in the system while exiting the program then you will not see the error again. But if the error pops up again, check if your computer meets the necessary requirements.
With the error in the screenshot, it seems Java is what’s causing the error. JVM refers to Java Virtual Machine and it is the component that terminated unusually with an error. Try updating your current Java to the latest version. Download Java SE Runtime Environment 7u65. Once downloaded, double-click on the installer to upgrade Java to the latest version.
Restart your computer and then try starting Lotus Notes again. Maybe open a file on your computer and then after awhile exit Lotus Notes and then see if the error no longer appears. If the problem continues, reinstall Lotus Notes or maybe upgrade it to the latest version.