I want a iClone detailed guide

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Recently I heard about this iClone software, I really like that software and I purchase one. When I try to use it, I found that it is a complicated one. I want someone to explain me its basic operations, I can build from there.

Is there any one familiar with this software ? Please help me.

Thank you in advance

Answered By 5 points N/A #135716

I want a iClone detailed guide


Hi there,

IClone is an application used to create a film that uses animation that we can customize according to our wishes

In addition we can customize, in the character we can also customize to stage, animated background even at the latest version we can add special effects that we can easily use.

Here is the basic operation in IClone :

Workspace Iclone 4

Main Menu Bar

Main menu bar is a set of commands that works to provide actor regulate export, create a new project and do a save

Tools Button

Tools button contains a set of commands is available in the main menu bar is condensed into a drop down menu.

Command Bar

Is a command-orders that have been classified and will change its content in accordance with the current main menu


Is a collection of properties and templates provided by the iClone as well as those made ​​by the user himself or custom.

Scene Manager
Scene manager serves to notify any objects that already exist within our workspaces
Controller Bar
Controller bar is used to preview the animation or to record the animation.
Is a menu used to set against all the objects that we input into the spreadsheet.
Navigation Bar
Navigation bar is used to adjust the appearance of the workspace or worksheets
Object editing bar
Used to set the object that we input into the scene
View Change
Used to set the display to be used for preview
Change mode
Change mode is used to create an appearance of reality
time Line
Used to set the duration of an animation
Scene / Worksheet
Scene or worksheet is where we will put the object and also where we will take the picture.

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