Hi people,
I already have a website, and I would want to create an order page for visitors.
I want the page to show items that are being offered and the cost. I will use PHP to process the information.
I need JavaScript codes for online order form HTML script. I'm on IE 7.Â
I need codes for Online order form html script
Good questions. You need JavaScript code for online order form HTML script.
I will present you a link which is a simple Order form Page.
Please visit the link for getting the JavaScript code for this:
You may also visit the link for more information
I need codes for Online order form html script
Given link have different kind or ordering form and its code in Java Scripting:
Ordering form and it Code you can find on given link just copy code from text box Heading (Insert into <BODY>):
And add it to your PHP code you just need to edit the text according to your requirement.