I need a bad public atom fix

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

Dear experts, I’m having trouble playing .mpeg and .mp4 files in my Apple computer. I would like to know what reasons of having errors called bad public atom. How can I fix it? Please help me. I need a bad public atom fix. Thank you in advance.

Answered By 0 points N/A #195188

I need a bad public atom fix


Hi Beatricegvavra


Atom files are the component of multiple movie files.
You can see that all files are added together and become one .mp4 or .mpeg file which you can view on Apple Quick Time player.
When you move a movie file from one place to another, the internal files of the movies can be corrupted or move out of sequence.
Apple Quick Time player is an application that small errors more seriously and will not play a movie and think it is damaged.
Download the VLN media player and also install the compression tool you choose and VLC Player using the installer files which u just download.
Compress the movie file or folder which you get an atom error make it zip file.
Now uncompressed this compress file, which forces the file in the compress archive to be recorded when will write back to your hard drive and can resolve an atom error.
Now open Apple Quick Time player and play a movie again, if you still get an error you have two options to do.
You can again try to compress and uncompressed a movie file or folder (it takes multiple tries sometimes).
You can play a movie using VLC player as it has much tolerance of errors as compared to Apple Quick Time Player.
If your movie still causes an error in VLC, there will be corruptions in your movie file and you have to get another copy of your movie.
Hopefully without getting an additional error you’ll be able to play your movie again on both players. Good Luck!
Johnstoon Leen

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