I Have A Problem While Converting The Trial To A Genuine Version

Explain the 0xc004d307 error? Mention the steps to resolve the error code and the cause of this error message?

Explain the 0xc004d307 error? Mention the steps to resolve the error code and the cause of this error message?
The error message ‘Error 0xc004d307: The maximum allowed number of re-armed has been exceeded’ occurs when the user tries to convert a non-genuine Windows operating system to valid. The error code can be resolved using the “SLMGR – REARM” command that is used to convert the trial version of Windows to the full version. Some other steps to fix the error code are as follows:
Step 1: Open the Run dialog box and type ‘Regedit’ then press Enter.
Step 2: Now go to the following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/WindowsNT/CurrentVersion/SoftwareProtectionPlatform
Step 3: Right-click on the ‘SkipRearm’ and click on the modify option.
Step 4: Change the value of data to 1 and reboot the system.
Now, run SLMGR – REARM command up to 3 times.