Hello experts,
I encountered a problem regarding j2se upload file. j2se is a portable software and I need to upload some files regarding java gui or java graphical user interface. File not supported error message shows up, what can I do to fix the issue? I am using windows 7 operating system.
I encountered a problem regarding j2se upload file.
Hello Vannesa,
That is most likely a compatibility issue. You will need to check if the j2se is compatible to the windows 7 operating system that you are using. It may be portable but still it may need to certain platform to be able to work well. So just check that to be sure that you are installing the right app.
I encountered a problem regarding j2se upload file.
Hello ,
It is very important that you have mentioned that the software is portable. I don’t think it has anything to do with the operating system. First of all make sure that you have java runtime environment and java development kit are installed on your computer. You can download this two from Oracle and they are free.
Then since the software is portable, make sure you properly install it into your potable device. I will recommend you use portable apps to accomplish this. Download it from here.
Amos Marie