Hello Experts,
How would I set a custom theme using a Group policy and it would apply to all computers? I would like to know how to set up a custom theme using Windows 7 in a group policy and it would apply to all users. My own custom theme in Windows 7 is already set up.
Thanks in advance.
How would I set a custom theme using a Group policy
Good day,
I have an idea for how to set a custom theme on your group policy. In the search text box on your start button, when your OS is Windows 7 or above, type RSOP.MSC, or if your Operating System is Windows XP, press Windows + r so that the search box will appear. Also, make sure that the user has authentication. In the gruop Policy Preferences, select Registry.
Check Enabled and type the path in this way " %resourcesthemes<themename><themename.msstyles".
Thank you and best regards.