How useful is Moodle, commercially or socially?

What's Moodle? Can it be self-taught? And which professions use moodle in their daily undertakings? Can one make a career out of Moodle?

What's Moodle? Can it be self-taught? And which professions use moodle in their daily undertakings? Can one make a career out of Moodle?
Moodle (Modular object oriented dynamic learning environment), is a E-learning software, also known as virtual learning environment.  It's a simple way for students to review notes and homework from class. Another thing that is very useful would be Teach assist students this is a site where students can check their grades/mark
3 types of moodle:-
1. Software.
2. Moodle community.
3. Moodle partnet network.
You can download your own copy and install it on your server. If you want to try it out for yourself you can use one of the accounts on the Moodle Demonstration Site. To see a site with example content, visit the School Demonstration site.
You can download Moodle in a variety of packages and install it yourself or have a Moodle Partner do it for you. Some web hosts offer Moodle as part of their hosting packages, although these vary in reliability. Other web hosts offer Moodle for free but this usually comes with conditions attached; for instance, your site might have adverts on it.
Moodle means Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment that is a free source e-learning software platform. It is also known as a Course Management System, Learning Management System, or Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). This is a helpful open source application that can be use for us to spread knowledge and can definitely learn lots of things from here.
Why use moodle?
These are the key points why you would use moodle as e-learning software:
1. All of us are potential teachers as well as learners.
2. We learn particularly well from the act of creating or expressing something for others to see.
3. We learn a lot by just observing the activity of our peers.
4. By understanding the contexts of others, we can teach them better.
5. A learning environment needs to be flexible and adaptable.
To explain further what moodle does and what its benefits are, you can visit these sources.
I hope this can help.