I am developing a PhoneGap application with JQuery mobile weather using gps which requires geolocation data. It appears that the application is using googles location services to acquire the positions. Is there any way to find more geolocation data info?
How to use Jquery mobile weather using gps?
Yahoo gives a large collection of useful APIs that are completely free to download for developers to reuse but the major requirement is that you must register your application through their developer dashboard and the registration is simple and straightforward and you can obtain an application id
The Idea
Here is what you need to do in order to display weather forecast:
First you’ll activate the Geolocation API supported by modern browsers but the API will prompt the user to authorize location access and will return a set of GPS coordinates;
Next, you must issue a request to Yahoo’s PlaceFinder API, passing the above coordinates and this will give you the name of the city and country
Finally, You will issue a request to Yahoo’s Weather API and this will give you current weather conditions, as well as a forecast for the rest of the current and the next day.