How To Fix Windowsupdate_c80003fa

How to fix the windowsupdate_c80003fa issue that I’m facing when I try to update my windows? Is this because of any third-party software that I’ve downloaded?

How to fix the windowsupdate_c80003fa issue that I’m facing when I try to update my windows? Is this because of any third-party software that I’ve downloaded?
This error might or might not be because of the third-party software that you’ve downloaded. So before following the instructions to solve this, you need to fix all the changes you’ve made to your windows before getting this error. So carefully delete or replace all the files that have been changed.
• Install any of the registry repair tools that you like and do a complete scan of your device.
• Disable your anti-virus.
• Do the system file checker scan by typing Scf/scannow in CMD.
This process will determine any missing or corrupted file that are present and will delete it.
• Now go for clean boot mode and install the update.