How To Fix Error 8002 Invalid Port Number

When running a program, my PC shows and crashes the active window every time by showing error 8002 invalid port number. Can anyone suggest me a fix for this error?

When running a program, my PC shows and crashes the active window every time by showing error 8002 invalid port number. Can anyone suggest me a fix for this error?
This error could be caused by one of the below-mentioned things:
a. Incomplete installation of the Windows operating system.
b. Corrupt registry from the recent software that you’ve changed.
c. Virus or malware may have corrupted your operating system.
d. Third-party software may have maliciously taken down some of the files related to your operating system.
Some of the solutions that could work:
a. Update your device.
b. Conduct a complete scan of your device and erase off all the present malware.
c. Clean-up all your system junks.
d. Repair this issue using a repair tool.
e. Perform a fresh installation of your operating system. Before this step, take a complete backup of your device.