I need to insert a table in Word but I can't get it to center properly. Every time I get the table entered, and I begin to input data, the lines don't match up. For example, in column 1 I only have 1 line worth of information, but in column 2, I have 2 lines worth, and it is throwing my table off. I don't understand how to properly format it so it looks professional. Thank you.
How to insert a table in Word?
Inserting a perfect looking table into MS Word is very simple. It may be that you have not followed the correct way out of the multiple ways possible. So try following this method correctly.
Inserting a table using table template,
Go to Insert >> Table >> Table >> Quick Table >> Select the preferred template >> replace the data
You can also try this way,
Go to Insert >> Table >> Table >> Draw Table >> Draw the table as preferred >> type in the data
Best Regards!