Hello and good day TechyV users and IT experts!
I have a big problem with inputting layouts on my XML. I was to input CSS layouts on it but I am having a hard time doing it. I have 5 XML documents with tabbed designs. So guys, does anyone of you know any steps of inputting CSS layouts for tabbed designs? Any help would be nice and highly appreciated. Thank you very much.
Vivian Drakees
How to input CSS layouts for tabbed design?
This is how you can apply a CSS to an XML file, a so called processing instruction pointing to a CSS style sheet. W3C standard shows and define how an XML file can have a CSS or XSLT stylesheet. Here is an example:
/* This CSS stylesheet is an example of how we can style XML with CSS */
How to input CSS layouts for tabbed design?
Hello Vivian,
To use CSS as navigation bar you need to put some coding. You have to decide how you want to do your navigation horizontally or Vertically. I am giving you some code example that may be helpful for you. I am sharing one sample code with you. Please find the attached code snippet.
Let me know if this is helpful. Thank You.