How do I disable Caps Lock ?

I have large clumsy hands.
I often inadvertently turn on the caps lock, which causes problems.
How do I disable it.

I have large clumsy hands.
I often inadvertently turn on the caps lock, which causes problems.
How do I disable it.
Hitting Caps Lock unintentionally is a Universal thing. Almost everybody who has used a word processor must have accidentally hit the Caps Lock key and changed the case of what they were writing. But there is a way to disable the keyboard Caps Lock.
You need to be very careful, while playing with these below mentioned codes. You must be a computer literate, and have administrator rights as, if you enter the wrong code your keyboard can behave very mischievously too.
There is another option which is very safe and you do not need any administrator privileges to do this. Remove the Caps Lock key physically from the keyboard. This will just create an empty hole in your keyboard but your keyboard will work fine.
The better Idea is to remove the 'Caps Lock' button. There will be a hole in that place. But it won't affect your typing. So do it without any hesitation.