How to conduct win 98 com test drive?

How can I run a Win 98 COM Test Drive? What are the issues that I can encounter during the configuration? I just need a brief and easy steps. Thanks.

How can I run a Win 98 COM Test Drive? What are the issues that I can encounter during the configuration? I just need a brief and easy steps. Thanks.
If you wanted to try out win 98 in your desktop you can try a Microsoft Virtual Pc it will allow you to use more than one operating system at once on a Microsoft PC.
It's a great way to keep your computer's main OS safe.
First off you have to download Microsoft Virtual PC in Microsoft's website
and Install the program, (Take note that your computer must be running
Wins XP or higher for better results) though it may still have a possibility to run on older systems.
upon starting the program, it will ask you to make a virtual machine. if not you can just click the button "new".
Once the welcome prompt appears just click next, then type a name for the machine (you can use the OS that you are going to install) then click on need to select the operating system that you will use/going to install, if the OS that you will install in not available just click on "others".
Depending on the OS that you are using, you may want to adjust the amount of RAM it will use.
then click "A New Virtual Hard Disk now this is where you get to choose where you will be putting the virtual hard disk.
After you can finish the wizard, you will see something new in the Virtual PC Console Box, it should have your Virtual PC.
Click on the Virtual PC and "start", you should see lines of text, similar to
the lines you see when you first start your computer.
Insert the install disk for your operating system,follow the directions on the install disk. It may take sometime if you want to do something on your computer while waiting and you can't move the mouse out of the windows, try holding the right ALT key and drag it out of the OS box. Or do the right ALT Key then press enter. The installation will proceed as normal.
Once done properly, if it asks you to restart your PC hold the right ALT key and press R. when the Virtual system asks to restart, just restart the virtual system, not the real PC . The system should boot like as you were using a real computer.
Done so you set up your first virtual system.
for further questions feel free to ask.