Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 08/22/2011
I already designed a presentation by using Microsoft PowerPoint Office 2003. I will be sending this presentation file to my friend. Now it will be opened with design mood and he can edit this presentation, that is my problem.
I want to send this presentation file with directly animated mood and when he opens this file it will be animated automatically.
How can it possible to solve this problem?
Answered By
5 points
How can I open a PowerPoint file with animation directly?
PowerPoint slides are re-designable when you save them in .ppt (or .pptx) format. If you don’t want to let your friend edit the file, just save the file as .pps format and the file will be saved as a “PowerPoint show” format.
PowerPoint show format is not editable and the very first option in right click is “show” rather than “open” when it is saved in .ppt format.
Answered By
Noel Sam
10 points
How can I open a PowerPoint file with animation directly?
Yes you can do that, if you don’t want to give access to edit in your MS Power Point slides then you just follow my below steps:
1. Open Your Presentation.
2. Click on File.
3. Here choose Save as and click on that.
4. In the bottom of the Save As box you see a drop down arrow named Save as Type click on that.
5. From here you choose Power Point Show and the extension is *.PPS
6. Choose your file name from File name box.
7. Then click on Save.
Now, you send this file to your friend and it’s open directly to the slideshow view. Remember your file must be saved as a .PPS format and send only that file not .Ppt format files.
You can also do this by software, just go to this link ( and download the software and create your slide show as a self-running slide show.
Thank You