Hi guys,
How can I rotate GIF images? I am using adobe Photoshop cs5 editing software and was confused with the features. Can you instruct me on how to rotate the GIF image? A step by step illustration is a big help for me.
Expecting some help, thank you.
How can I rotate gif images?
Hello dear Curtis,
Your problem is very simple. There's a couple approaches out there but this is the simplest.
Fire up Photoshop.
Go to file > place.
Browse to your picture and Double click to open it.
Here's the important part. If your layer is locked then double click it to unlock.
You need to highlight the layer to activate by clicking on the layer.(Important).
Press CTRL + T or File>Free Transform.
You should see corner points on each side of the frame.
Hover outside on one of the corner points and wait until rotate icon shows up.
Hold shift and drag down or upward to incrementally rotate the picture by 5 pixels in order to properly position your picture either horizontally or vertically.
That's it.
If you still don't clearly get the instruction. You may consider this video tutorial from YouTube.
Hope this technique helps you.
How can I rotate gif images?
Hi Curtis Marry,
If your GIF file is non-animate, you can open it in Photoshop. But, this is an Index file, and will be locked.
So, when you open Photoshop, create a new file.
Then go to the menu File > Place > you will see two cross lines in your image.
Move your mouse near the side, your mouse will become a curve, and then you can rotate your image.
Press Enter to finish.
Hope this helps.