How can I make my data safe and redundant in Linux system?

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

How can I make sure that my data safe and redundant backup in Linux system?

Is there in any feature in Red Hat Linux?

Best Answer by Britnu Salu
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #133707

How can I make my data safe and redundant in Linux system?


Hi Mathew,

In Red Hat Linux you can find very powerful data redundant and acceleration tool that called software RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disc)

It can find different  types of RAID, the popular RAID are RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 5

If you implement RAID 5 it can redundant your data and increase writing speed of your hard disc also.

You can implement RAID 5 bye following step.

# mdadm – create /dev/md0 – level=5 – raid-devices =3 /dev/hda{1,2,3}

To see the RAID state
# less /proc/mdstat
# mdadm – detail /dev/md0

Managing RAID devices
# mdadm – manage /dev/md0 – fail /dev/hdaX
# mdadm – manage /dev/md0 – remove /dev/hdaX
# mdadm – manage /dev/md0 – add /dev/hdaX

Edit /etc/fstab for permanent RAID devices

Britnu Salu

Answered By 10 points N/A #133708

How can I make my data safe and redundant in Linux system?


Hello Moss,

The backup software meant to perform a complete back up of a file, data, database, system as well as the server. It makes it possible for users to copy everything that is contained on the original source, and it is also used to perform a recovery of the data or system if there occurs a disaster.

In Linux, you can perform backups using command line tools. You can as well use backup software that has got intuitive graphical interfaces, applications that have the ability backup systems with snapshots as well as the powerful command-line tools that exist.




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