I have this new iPhone which has just but a few applications for gaming. With all the heightened talks going round of BDSM apps iPhone, I was pushed to try installing it but it all failed. I have read over the internet about individuals who own similar iPhones and they are able to install BDSM apps. Could there be something specific I need to do before installing BDSM apps? Please help.
How can I install BDSM apps iPhone 4?
Hi Gregory Swisher ;
To download apps for your iPhone, please follow these steps :
1. Create an Apple ID
2. Launch the iTunes app from your iPhone
3. Connect using your Apple ID
4. Search for the app you want to install from the AppStore (iTunes)
5. Click on download, it will install automatically
6. You will then find an icon of the app on your iPhone
Always download apps from iTunes and never try to get them illegally or from a third party store.