I am currently considering divorcing my husband. I need to talk and search for lawyers in my computer. He is a computer savvy in the family. I need to keep this a secret! I know he had checked my Google Chrome browser history in the past.
I need to know how I can freely search the net without him finding out where and what I do. I am afraid that if he discovers my motives, it can make the situation worse! Please help me with detailed instructions on how to search the web on Google Chrome without leaving a history in the browser.
Thank you for the help in advance!
How can I hide my web browser history using Google Chrome?
Hi Mrs. Kamipopo,
You could actually clear all your browsing/searches so that your husband will not be able to see it. Even if he is a computer savvy, there is no way he can trace something that has not even happened, if you will do this:
Click the wrench sign on the upper right corner of your Google Chrome browser, just below the X button.Â
Then click options. After this, another tab will open.
Click Under the Hood from the tabs on the left side of the tab.
Then click Clear Browsing Data. Then choose from an hour to the beginning of time to erase data on your choice. (Click the attached file to see an image).
Well, there is another way though to let the computer don't save any history. It automatically cleans every trace that you left behind, but I don't recommend this because your husband may get curious and might investigate.
How can I hide my web browser history using Google Chrome?
It's very easy to clear the history by just following these steps:
Click on the wrench icon in the browser toolbar. The wrench icon looks like this:Â

Then Click on (Tools) and then (Clear Browsing data).
From the dialog that will appear, choose (Clear browsing history).
Then from the menu that will appear, you can choose the amount of data that you want to delete as you like.
Then click on (clear browsing data) then you will find that the data you selected was deleted.
You should know that if you will use any method to clear the history, you will remove also the websites that you visited and snapshots and any IP addresses pre-fetched from pages that you visited, and that is if you want to delete the history. If you want to hide the history, Google Chrome has an Incognito mode that doesn't leave any traces of browsing history.
Hope this helps you.
How can I hide my web browser history using Google Chrome?
Hello Mrs. Kamipopo,
You can hide your browsing history in 2 ways:
First is to delete your browsing history after every time you browse. This method was already discussed by the 2 posts above. Another method is, you can prevent Google Chrome from saving your browsing history. This will make it unnecessary to delete your browsing history every time you browse. Here's how you do it:
1. Open Google Chrome.
2. Press Ctrl + Shift + N. This will open an Incognito window. You will know you are in Incognito mode when you see this icon at the upper left corner of your browser.
When in Incognito mode, none of your browsing history will be recorded. However, any bookmarks you make or files you download will still be saved.
Hope this helps.
How can I hide my web browser history using Google Chrome?
Hi  Mrs.KamipopoÂ
There are many ways to fix this issue. It is simple. To clear your browsing history, go to your browser's main menu and in the tools option, click on Tools and then choose clear recent browsing history.
Also check out this Techyv post to get more techniques to resolve this issue.Â
How can I clear internet browser history