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7060 points
Posted on - 05/07/2012
There are many scams on Facebook where a user clicks on a link, and it posts that link on all of their friends’ walls. How can I delete spam that a Facebook app posted to all of my friends’ walls?
How can I delete spam that a FaceBook app posted
Hello there.
Regarding Spams, which have been a major problem of some Facebook users because it can automatically post, comment, and/or spread like wildfire through all your friends without you knowing it. Facebook has given steps to avoid and/or remove spam and prevent your account from having spam as well.
In Facebook, you can actually find the Spam Filter button. IF it cannot be helped there are ways to delete, avoid, and prevent spam on Facebook. Here is link from Facebook that entails the entire steps about Spam.
Hope it helped.
Thank you.
How can I delete spam that a FaceBook app posted
Facebook spam viruses are very annoying. It is a virus that when you click the link it will share to all of your friends. To remove this you have to go to the link in your profile and mark each link as spam. For better understanding please refer to the picture attached. Noticed the pencil looking tool in the side of link? You have to click that and look for report or mask as spam. This will remove the link to your profile and remove the stream to your friends who were tagged. If the links are too many you have to mark them as spam one by one.