How to break word password protection without using software?
How to break word password protection manually? Downloading the software for this tasks seems too risky and I an never sure about the source of the software. I have word 2010 installed.
How to break word password protection manually? Downloading the software for this tasks seems too risky and I an never sure about the source of the software. I have word 2010 installed.
You can manually break the word password using html or xml code of the word document. Follow the steps below and after that you will be able to break the word read only password.
That is easy. But office 2007 or later it is little difficult to view xml or html code. Other steps are same as here.
The steps or the method in the previous post will probably work in older Microsoft Office Word versions but not with Office Word 2007 and higher. Removing the password from an Office Word 2010 document is still possible but to remove the password from the document, you need to know the password used to open it. This is required to modify the protection level of the document.
To remove the password, start Office Word then open the document using your password. Next, click File, Info, Protect Document, and then select “Encrypt with Password”.
Next, delete the data in the Password field and click OK. After this, save the document for the changes to take effect. This will remove the password from the document. On the other hand, if you don’t know the password to open it, there is no way you can open the file.
You can use password removal tools that use brute force attack or dictionary attack but it will take you hours or even days to crack it especially if the password is long.