How are data in cloud segregated?

Asked By 100 points N/A Posted on -

How are data stored in cloud segregated? Government, rival corporations, enemies and what have you uses cloud reasons best known to them and their data are stored in the cloud? If two rival corporations use the same vendor, how are their data segregated? Can the either of the two have access to other resources?

Answered By 0 points N/A #189390

How are data in cloud segregated?


Hi Margarete,

Just to give comment on your query as mentioned. The data stored in the cloud computing is made possible with the use of programs. These programs automatically segregate the information and the data stored in the Cloud. More so, Cloud computing provides a unique directory for the data of a specific organization, individual or group. And the data stored could only be accessed by the user or based on the signed contract or SLA with the provider.

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