Hello there,
Recently I made the transition from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1 and some errors started to appear and I would like to solve them. This is one of the errors and can anyone help me please to fix this ? Why I have so many errors after the updates ?
Thanks !
Error during hotkeys registration.
PortAL will keep the old correct configuration if possible.
Maybe PortAL already launched or another application use some PortAL’s hotkeys.
Keys: Win+Z
Hotkeys registration error during to write in PortAL
This type of problem occurs when someone lack the registry permissions. Sometimes registry permissions are changed by some malware. So you need to scan the PC and then repair the permissions.
For this purpose you need to operate as "administrator" then install the updates.
Other solution for this problem is "SubInACL"Â tool that is used to repair the files.Â
Download and install the tool in windows>system 32 folder.Â
Open note pad and compose the code that is in the image

Save the file as reset.cmd.
Right click that file in explorer and choose the option "run as administrator"
Wait for ending the execution process, and install updates againÂ