Help in syncing calendar in my Google.

I need help in syncing my calendar. I chose the option “Re-sync with another calendar” in settings and removed all the entries in my Google calendar. However, nothing appears in Google.

I need help in syncing my calendar. I chose the option “Re-sync with another calendar” in settings and removed all the entries in my Google calendar. However, nothing appears in Google.
According to Google Calendar Sync page, please follow the incoming steps:
1. Make sure that you use a supported OS and Outlook version. They support Windows XP, Vista and 7 32 bit only and Outlook 2003, 2007 and 2010.
2. Download the Google Calendar Sync application from the following link:
3. Install the downloaded program and go to the program settings window. Enter your email and password and select the sync option that you prefer.
4. Edit the "Sync every" option and put in mind that the minimum syncing interval is 10 mins.
That's it. Hope this may help you.
Best of luck