Help Me To Fix The Eclipse Error Code 13.

I am the student of I.T. Branch. I download the Eclipse application but I am facing the problem of eclipse error code 13. What will I do to resolve this problem?

I am the student of I.T. Branch. I download the Eclipse application but I am facing the problem of eclipse error code 13. What will I do to resolve this problem?
If you are facing this type of error then check if your installed Eclipse is 32/64 bit which is same as your System. If your system is of 64-bit then download Eclipse for 64 bit. Check your JVM path set as eclipse.ini, if not then change the path of JVM. This may help you to resolve the issue and if then, also the issue is not solved then uninstall the application and install it back and make sure after installing restart your computer.
If you want to learn to program with Eclipse, download the latest Eclipse IDE Package from the Eclipse download page. Every package that is available for download requires 64-bit Microsoft Windows. To use Eclipse, you need JRE or Java Runtime Environment. You won’t be able to use Eclipse until you install JRE. Download Java SE Runtime Environment 8u231 and install.
For developers using Eclipse, download the latest Java SE Development Kit 13.0.1. JDK includes a complete Java Runtime Environment package plus tools for developing, debugging, and tracking Java applications. To see a complete list of Java packages available, go to Java SE at a Glance.